Who We Are

Monocacy Valley Church is a congregation of the Reformed Church in America (RCA).

We are the oldest Protestant denomination in North America with a continuous ministry. We were born out of the Protestant Reformation of 1517 (508 years ago!) as it was spread to The Netherlands. We came to the New World in the early 1600s with Henry Hudson and other Dutch explorers. We established the oldest seminary in the U.S., New Brunswick Theological Seminary, which is on the campus of Rutgers University, which was also founded by the early Dutch settlers.

Even though we came here before the American Revolution, the Reformed Church has been continually reforming as we discern God's direction for us and for MVC. Today, we are as ethnically diverse as the entire United States and Canada. You can read more about us and our ministries on the RCA website.

The Reformed Church has never rested on its laurels. Today, our theme is "Transformed and Transforming." You will find a very diverse denomination, both ethnically and geographically. This is our strength. Our root are deep, and we know that God is transforming us every day. 

How could the early Dutch settlers have imagined that one of their churches would be in Frederick, Maryland, hundreds of miles from where they settled in central New Jersey? How could they have imagined that congregations would be established in the Iowa cornfields? Or in African-American communities in New York City? Or in Hispanic communities in Southern California? Or Asian communities in New Jersey and New Hampshire?  Or in the U.S. Virgin Islands?  Or in Japan?

We hope and trust you are looking for the same sense of maturity and risk-taking.  We invite you to join us!

Our Vision

 "Loving God; Serving like Jesus; Living by faith." We arrived at this vision for MVC in December 2015. It sounds easy, but our vision requires consensus and commitment and a connection to where God is leading us. We trust that God has nudged you in our direction!